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July 10, 2023 Regular Meeting


Mayor James M. Jaroszynski
Trustee Anthony Cavallaro
Trustee Timothy Dunn
Trustee Alan Gustafson Jr.
Trustee Annette Miller

Gregory Peterson, Attorney
Cindy Capestrani, Village Clerk
Paula Spunaugle, Treasurer
Bryce Webster, Fire Chief
Alan Gustafson Sr., Code Enforcement Officer
Paul Andalora, Code Enforcement Officer
Carl Caprino, DPW Superintendent
Laurie Becker, Library Director

The regular meeting of the Village of Falconer Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, July 10, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the Firemen’s Exempt Hall with Mayor James Jaroszynski presiding. 

Pledge of Allegiance & Roll:

Trustee Gustafson, Trustee Dunn, Trustee Cavallaro, Trustee Miller and Mayor Jaroszynski were all present.


Steve Garvey
Nina Gustafson
Kathy Gray
Scott Brown
Brian Nelson
Angelo Marra
Danielle Marra
Eric Tichy



Visitor Comments

Scott Brown with Chautauqua Health Network:

  • Invited the Mayor and Board Trustees and anyone in the community to attend an upcoming Complete Streets Assessment meeting on Tuesday, July 25, from 5-8 pm at the Prendergast Library in Jamestown.
  •  Chautauqua Health Network has partnered with GoBike Buffalo for a three-part assessment: an informational session, a guided walk-around the community and a table discussion to determine our next steps for making our community streets more accessible to all people. Their goal is to create a corridor that connects Jamestown HS, JCC, Falconer HS, the new YMCA, once built, and the medical corridor.

     Steve Garvey, Falconer resident:

  • Commended Falconer Rotary for their efforts installing Disc Golf in Falconer Park. The group did a tremendous job and it looks great. 
  • The work has begun to resurface the basketball courts. He assisted putting in the courts years ago and the resurfacing was greatly needed.
  • Thank you for adding back park security this summer as it has deterred unwanted park activities.
  • The overall appearance of the park looks great, thank you to the DPW crew.

 Brian Nelson, Falconer Vac Shop:

  • Main Street repaving – hoping that the State DOT adds back the parking stripes after repaving.
  • Heard from Mr. Powell that the Main Street Development deal with Savarino fell through – Mayor Jaroszynski will follow up with Paula Blanchard, but was not aware of that.

 Danielle Marra – 17-19 Main Street:

  • Brought up concern that she is still waiting for several permits from code enforcement, an occupancy permit so that she can move forward with getting local businesses within her commercial space and a sign permit. Mayor Jaroszynski commented that CEO Alan Gustafson Sr. will be at the meeting shortly and she can step outside and speak with him to resolve these issues.

 Kathy Grey, Falconer resident:

  • There is feral cat problem on Mapleshade Avenue. There are over 30 adult cats, with 18 kittens arriving this spring on her property alone. She is concerned with the possible health issue associated as these cats are using the residents’ gardens and landscaping areas as their “litter boxes”.


Trustee Miller made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2023 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting.  Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Trustee Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Mayors Remarks

Mayor Jaroszynski noted that he has reached out to Steve Swanson, past president of the Falconer Business Association, and found out the charter still exists as he would like to see it start up again. Steve has agreed to speak to interested business owners on July 20th at 7:00 pm in the Falconer Library. A letter will be going out to area businesses with the information and hopefully we will get some interest from some of the new business owners in the village.

Fire Chief

The Fire Chief’s June report was reviewed and noted that the department responded to 57 EMS incidents, 14 fire incidents, total 71 calls, 454 total calls YTD.

Mutual Aid Breakdown – June 2023
Given:  Jamestown-7, Frewsburg-10, Kennedy-3, Gerry-1, Fluvanna-1, total 22  
Received:  Medic 74-10, Alstar-8, Kennedy-6, total 24

Trustee Cavallaro made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn to approve Shawn A. Sweatman into the Falconer Hook and Ladder Co Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none.  Carried.  

Code Enforcement

The July code officer report was reviewed. It was noted 9 building permits totaling $277 were issued, 34 permits issued YTD, 34 complaints/violations were addressed.


  • 319 Central Avenue – Discussions on demolition of the fire damaged house are ongoing
  • 15 E. Pearl Street – The exterior property areas have been cleared
  • Sent out numerous code violation letters, many for high grass and building without a permit
  • A letter has been sent to an Elmwood address regarding having chicken and pigs 
  • 212 E. Main Street – needs follow up regarding turkeys, ducks and chickens on the property.
  • Trustee Cavallaro inquired on the vacant property on corner of Main Street and Alberta as to what future plans are for the building 
  • Working on a proposed draft for a new law pertaining to the regulation of food trucks in the Village. 

Department of Public Works

The DPW report was submitted for the period June 8, 2023 – July 6, 2023. 

  • E. Everett paving to be completed by the end of the week, E. James and E. Pearl are completed.
  • Assisting the County, Town of Ellicott and Town of Carroll with blacktop
  • Village owned Merchants Alley is to be paved in coordination with the E. Main Street property owners for the parking lots in back from N. Work Street to Kaman Bearings. The board agreed to have the village portion paved at the same time with a spending cap of $15,000. Attorney Peterson stated that the village can have a private contractor complete the work that the DPW crew was going to do using the DPW budget.
  • The contractor returned to clean up the mortar on the Community Building chimney that he had previously repaired and left a lot of mortar on the bricks, which was not acceptable by the board. 
  • Trustee Cavallaro expressed concerns over flooding that occurs at Central Avenue and Falconer Street after a heavy rain, with water over the curbing. Superintendent Caprino noted that it is a tree root issue and the lines can be looked at in the fall to fix the problem. 


The June 12, 2023 – July 10, 2023 Library report was reviewed. 

Highlights include:

  • Summer Reading Kick-Off was held on June 27th and was a huge success bringing in 280 people! Thank you to Brian & Kay Nelson for sponsoring the ice cream truck and all of the sponsors for their donations.
  • Summer band concerts are every Thursday in July from 6:30-8:30pm in Davis Park.
  • There will be an Escape Room activity on Friday, July 28th in conjunction with the Village’s Christmas in July activities. The library is also sponsoring a concert with children’s singer Glenn Colton on Saturday, July 29th at 1:00 pm.
  • The reconstruction of the front entryway is scheduled to begin the week of August 21st.
  • Annual book sale will be held August 10-12. Looking for volunteers on August 8th at 1:00pm to help move the books up from the lower level.



Treasurer Spunaugle is requesting the board approval to approve budget modifications (as presented) and authorize final transfers to the reserve funds listed below:

Community Building Reserve $45,000
Street Equipment Reserve $147,232     
Street Equipment-Sidewalks Reserve $37,000   
Fire Truck Reserve $111,372
Fire Maintenance Reserve $6,375.36

To approve budget modifications (as required) which balance additional revenues/expenses/fund balance to match FY 22/23 actual: 

General Fund
Revenues-budgeted increased to $1,802,075.59
Expenses-budgeted increased to $1,797,391.27
Increase Fund Balance (surplus) $10,684.32

Trustee Gustafson made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn to approve budget modifications (as presented) and authorize final transfers, to approve budget modifications (as required) which balance additional revenue, expenses, fund balance to match FY 22/23 and to approve closing all funds to complete/balance the processing of year end records dated May 31, 2023 in regard to budgets, fund balance and the NY AUD. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none.  Carried. 


Resolution to authorize Mayor to submit Engineering Planning Grant Application

Trustee Gustafson made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn to approve the resolution to authorize Mayor James Jaroszynski to submit an Engineering Planning Grant Application for a Sanitary Sewer Inflow and Infiltration Engineering Study and to commit the Village of Falconer to providing the required 20% local grant match in the event of the grant award. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried. 

Reminder: July 12th, at 5:00 pm is the Falconer Night at the Tarp Skunks baseball game, honoring the Mee family in sports.  Orrie Mee will be throwing out the first pitch.

Public Safety: 

Trustee Cavallaro and Mayor Jaroszynski recently met with Town of Ellicott Police, Falconer School Superintendent and Town of Ellicott Supervisor regarding traffic flow on East Avenue and Falconer Street. There was a minor incident about a month ago involving a child being struck by a vehicle. They talked about added more signage, more striping on the streets, and having school personnel outside at dismissal and arrival times. They are also looking at possibly changing the traffic pattern to alleviate some of the congestion. Trustee Dunn suggested getting a traffic study done and possibly implementing staggered arrival and dismissal times.

Downtown Development:  

Nothing new to report

Farmers Market:

Trustee Miller reported that there was an issue with the porta john at Davis Park, but has addressed it with Superintendent Caprino to make sure it gets cleaned and emptied every Wednesday. The market has been going well for Scott Farms so far this summer.


Trustee Miller spoke recently with Chris Schrader, Summer Recreation Director, who complimented the addition of Disc Golf in the park. He thought that the concrete cornhole games would also be a nice addition as well as pickleball courts. Trustee Miller will be getting more information regarding changing the existing tennis courts into pickleball courts. 

Pine Hill Cemetery:

Trustee Gustafson reported that there were branches down form the storm that were cleared out.

Planning/Zoning Board: 

Trustee Gustafson noted that code enforcement was working on a proposed food truck regulation as noted in the code report.

Old Business:

211 East James

The property has been listed for sale with Heather Shea-Canaley with an asking price of $14,900 with a stipulation that a house be built on the property.  Trustee Gustafson noted that a vacant lot on Pearl Street just sold for around $19,000.        

New Business: 

Nothing to report


The Municipal Shelter Inspection Report was completed on 6/26/23 with a satisfactory rating as it relates to the Agriculture and Markets Laws and Regulations.

Trustee Gustafson’s letter, dated July 10, 2023, which acknowledged his review on July 9, 2023 of the unpaid vouchers for Abstract #2 (FY 23/24) and bank reconciliations from M&T Bank, Community Bank and NYCLASS for the month of May 2023 was placed into record.


Motion:  It is moved by Trustee Dunn and seconded by Trustee Cavallaro that Abstract #2, General Fund in the revised amount of $91,401.22 be approved for payment. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Motion:  It is moved by Trustee Gustafson and seconded by Trustee Dunn that Abstract #2, Cemetery Fund in the amount of $3,103.18 be approved for payment.  Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Motion:  It is moved by Trustee Miller and seconded by Trustee Gustafson that Abstract #2, Library Fund in the amount of $2,275.54 be approved for payment. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Abstain, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Motion:  It is moved by Trustee Cavallaro and seconded by Trustee Miller that Abstract #2, General Fund Hand Items in the amount of $4,149.49 be approved for payment. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Trustee Gustafson made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:48 p.m.

Ayes-all. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Capestrani, Village Clerk