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May 8, 2023 Regular Meeting

Mayor James M. Jaroszynski
Trustee Anthony Cavallaro
Trustee Timothy Dunn
Trustee Alan Gustafson, Jr.
Trustee Annette Miller

Gregory Peterson, Attorney
Cindy Capestrani, Village Clerk
Paula Spunaugle, Treasurer
Bryce Webster, Fire Chief-excused
Paul Andalora, Code Enforcement Officer
Carl Caprino, DPW Superintendent
Laurie Becker, Library Director

The regular meeting of the Village of Falconer Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, May 8, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the Firemen’s Exempt Hall with Mayor James Jaroszynski presiding. 

Pledge of Allegiance & Roll:

Trustee Gustafson, Trustee Dunn, Trustee Cavallaro, Trustee Miller and Mayor Jaroszynski were all present.


Rich Longer
Mike Cullnon
Randy Conklin
James Claire
Jim Ribaudo
Brian Nelson
Matt Abbey
Ian Rickard
Jacob Yokom
Dave W.
Andrew Faulkner
Brian Storms
Twan Leenders
Brock Bonse-Fay



Visitor Comments

Brian Nelson – 22 W. Falconer St. – Thank you to the street department for their work cleaning the streets for the Village clean-up day this past Saturday. He also inquired as to how the village of Falconer can get the nicer street light posts on Main Street similar to the new ones that were installed in Randolph. Mayor Jaroszynski commented that this has been discussed at the Main Street Steering Committee meetings. The representatives on the committee from Chautauqua County were going to follow-up with the State DOT since Main Street is on the list for resurfacing.


Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Gustafson, to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2023 Budget Workshop Board of Trustees Meeting.  Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Trustee Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried. 

Trustee Miller made a motion, seconded by Cavallaro, to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2023 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting.  Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Trustee Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Mayors Remarks

Mayor Jaroszynski mentioned the upcoming Memorial Day Parade in the village will be held on Monday, May 29th at 10:15 am. Any organization wanting to participate should contact Steve Cybart at the American Legion. The Village-wide garage sale days will be June 2nd and 3rd this year. He also thanked the Fire Department, DPW, Falconer Rotary and everyone that participated this past weekend for the village spring clean-up.

Rotary Park Grant – presentation by Twin Tiers Disc Golf (moved up from New Business)

Nina Gustafson from Falconer Rotary, noted that the Rotary Foundation offered an extension on the park grant that was originally offered for the proposed dog park. Andrew Faulkner had approached Falconer Rotary Club about bringing Frisbee Golf to Falconer Park, so with the grant extension, they decided to look further into it. 

Rich Longer, founder of Twin Tiers Disc Golf in the Olean area, presented a budget and map for a proposed disc golf course to be placed in Falconer Park. In 2020 during the pandemic, they installed a course in Olean and it has been a huge success, with approximately 500-1000 participants each month. Their mission is to grow the sport of disc golf with youth clinics, college tournaments and adult disc leagues. Three elements to a successful disc golf course are the golf basket targets, signage and T-pads. The proposal prepared for Falconer Park is for a 9-hole course and would be totally funded by the Rotary Foundation grant and matching funds from the Falconer Rotary club. Currently there are 3 handmade targets in Falconer Park that could be used as practice baskets, adding signs for each basket noting the history behind the basket. The course is laid out to avoid areas of the park with activities such as baseball, with safety being a priority. There is no taking away from the green spaces or the walking trails within the park. Trustee Cavallaro noted that it would be a great addition to the park, bringing more activity and possibly deterring some of the vandalism we have had at the park in the past.

Fire Chief

The Fire Chief’s April report was reviewed and noted that the department responded to 42 EMS, 1 structure fire, 5 storm assessment, 1 medical assist, 3 power lines down, 1 animal rescue, 16 cancelled in route, 1 lift assist, 2 false alarms, 1 assist police, 1 standby, total 74 calls.

Mutual Aid Breakdown – April 2023
Given:  Jamestown-11, Frewsburg-6, Kennedy-3, Fluvanna-1. Gerry-1, Warren-1, total 23  
Received:  Medic 74-10, Alstar EMS-7, Gerry-4, Kennedy-4, Kiantone-2, Tech Rescue-1 total 28

Trustee Cavallaro made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gustafson to approve Darren Pollaro into the Falconer Hose Co. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none.  Carried.  

Code Enforcement

The April code officer report was reviewed. It was noted building permits totaling $675 were issued, totaling 16 permits YTD, 2 building inspections were performed, and many phone calls & emails were addressed.


  • 15 E. Pearl Street – Have received many calls from neighbors regarding this empty foreclosed house. A violation letter will be sent out to the local contact for the house.
  • Violation letters have been sent out to properties on 11 N. Dow Street, 239 E. Main Street and 20 Richard Avenue.
  • 12 N. Work Street (former bank drive-thru building) – demo application is complete with demolition to begin in a few weeks.
  • 9 E. Main Street – PersNikkity Pies – renovation complete, grand opening on Friday, May 12th.

Department of Public Works

The DPW report was submitted for the period April 6, 2023 – May 4, 2023. 

Mayor Jaroszynski received a call about the poor condition of the old horseshoe building in the park that houses the lawn mower and benches. He would like to see it torn down and replaced with a new shed. The shed can be placed on the concrete pad that the building is currently on.

Superintendent Caprino presented quotes for the DPW building for metal siding and painting for comparison.  After discussion it was decided to paint the DPW building now and save for metal siding in the future to avoid having to paint every 10 years.

Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Cavallaro that we award the painting of the DPW building to Painting Unlimited, option # 2, as long as it includes the painting of the sign using ARPA Funding.  Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried. 

Quotes were reviewed to insert a vent for the boiler in the community building. We need to get it done this summer while the boiler is off. 

Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Miller to award the relining of the chimney on the Community Building to Chautauqua Mechanical for their quote of $9,574.00 paid for out of the Community Building fund. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried. 

Quotes were reviewed for the sidewalk plow and leaf machine. Currently there is $169,000 in the DPW equipment fund. We are behind on our equipment schedule once new equipment is purchased, existing equipment can be sold via Auctions International and applied to the cost of the new equipment with any remaining balance to come out of the fund balance account. 

Trustee Cavallaro made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn to purchase both the sidewalk plow and leaf machine using the DPW equipment fund. It was noted that only one company makes a sidewalk plow with tracks and the leaf machine quote is a Sourcewell quote. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried. 


The April 10, 2023 – May 8, 2023 Library report was reviewed. 

Highlights include:

  • Three quotes were requested with 2 responses received to reconfigure the front entry way into the library and add a wall book drop box. Hoping to receive money from a NYS Library Construction grant, but until the grant is received would like to start on the project using bullet aid money that was given to the library several years ago. The lowest bid states that the handicap opener and installation is not included in the quoted price, which is needed and was requested, while the other bid includes this feature.
  • Trustee Cavallaro made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn to accept the bid from R-N Customs for $19,658.31. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.
  • The library will host an art display from Fenner Elementary art teacher Laura Obrist’s classes on Tuesday, May 16th from 4:00 – 6:00 pm.  
  • Thanks to the Village for the purchase of a baby changing table and to the DPW for installing it in the public restroom.



Treasurer Spunaugle reported that she is currently working with an accounting firm from Fredonia to set up QuickBooks for our accounting system. It has been suggested that after the fiscal year ends that we set up an audit of the books from an outside auditor. The library reserve funds were moved over to NYCLASS and in just 2 weeks have earned $122 in interest.                                                         


Attorney Peterson reported that we received a letter from Michael Goldman, his client Rick Kress has withdrawn his offer to purchase the Cross Street property. As a result, there is no need to continue satisfying the FOIL request as it was related to the Cross Street proposal.

Reminder: July 12th is the Tarp Skunks baseball game at 5 pm. Would like a list of former board members to invite, Clerk Capestrani will work on list with Laurie Becker.

Public Safety: 

The fire advisory board met on 5/3 and started to review and set up an equipment replacement program and long-range planning programs on the building. It was very eye opening with the increases in equipment. The truck purchased 2 years ago for $700k is now $1M with a 3-4 years delivery time from order date. New engine specification will start in 2027 with the upgrade being approx. $130k. 

Downtown Development:  

The downtown steering committee has been meeting on a regular basis. There is some information that the committee will be working on to report back to B & L for the Downtown Master Plan Project.

Farmers Market:

Trustee Miller noted we are planning to send out a newsletter with information on the Farmers Market and will also post on our Facebook page which will be held from June through September on Friday afternoons.  We should check with the DMV testers to find out what days they are doing road tests. Also follow up with Scott Farms to see if they would like to return this year.


Trustee Miller likes the concept of the Disc Golf and the fact that Rotary was going to help out by covering the costs with their grant. She plans to meet with Chris Schrader to discuss expanding the programs offered at the summer recreation program such as improving the tennis courts, adding park equipment, and improving the facilities in the park. The old backstop in the park is not used anymore and could be taken out. Ray Lindquist has not yet provided Superintendent Caprino with what is needed for the dugouts at the baseball field.

Pine Hill Cemetery:

Trustee Gustafson reported that the new signs for the cemetery are being assembled and should be in place for Memorial Day. The crew is working on getting 9 foundations completed prior to the holiday as well.

Planning/Zoning Board:  

Nothing to report

Old Business:

Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy-Chadakoin Cleanup Presentation by:                                              

     Twan Leenders – Director of Conservation at Chautauqua Watershed Conservatory

     Brian Storms – Corporate Environmental Health & Safety Manager at Jamestown Container

     Key points brought up in the presentation:

  • Downed trees in the lower Chadakoin River which runs through the village of Falconer are creating a dangerous situation.
  • Chautauqua County promotes the waterways in the county, but many of them have been ignored to the point of not being navigable.
  • Funding for Chautauqua Lake stops at Warner Dam, the section of the Chadakoin River from Warner Dam to where it meets Cassadaga Creek is completely un-funded.
  • Last year the city of Jamestown awarded ARPA funding to the Conservancy to remove accumulated logs and debris from the Warner Dam to the Falconer line. Other municipalities have designated ARPA funds towards this project.
  • Currently there is a very large oak tree down by Jamestown Container that has changed the path of the river. It is eroding the entire bank and the river is now within 30 feet of their driveway when it was at least 90 feet away before. The bank eroding away is the village of Falconer property. Superintendent Caprino has spoken with the county and requested they send someone down to look at the downed tree and the problem it is causing.
  • The current issue we have is not just removing downed trees, but also taking down the trees before they fall. It is estimated to cost roughly 60K to remove the lumber and another 50K to remove the current standing ash trees that before they fall in.
  • Looking to hear from the village of Falconer as to what they can do to help clear the section of the Chadakoin that passes through the village. Possibly help with the trucking of some of the logs/debris as they are taken out. 
  • Will be asking for help from the county specifically since there are businesses being jeopardized. The county has ARPA funds that we are hoping could be used towards this project.
  • The Conservancy can help with writing grants, obtaining contractors and working with the D.E.C. to get the correct permits needed for the work. The funding is the current challenge.
  • Twan will schedule an on-site meeting the County Executive, Town of Ellicott and Village of Falconer to discuss the short-term needs and then plan for the long-term needs for the Chadakoin.

Approval of Trent Beckerink – Full-Time DPW Motor Vehicle Operator

Trustee Cavallaro made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gustafson to approve Trent Beckerink for a full-time DPW motor vehicle operator.  Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Trustee Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Tyler Becker – New Seasonal DPW Worker

Tyler Becker has recently started working as a seasonal DPW worker 3 hours a day after school and will become full-time seasonal once school is over for the year along with another seasonal hire Nicolas Houston. Tristan Varra has started working as a seasonal DPW worker as part of the Chautauqua Works Year-Round Work Experience Program. Chautauqua Works covers the wages and insurance costs for the participant.

Approval of Matthew Abbey – Village Dog Control Officer

Matt Abbey has accepted the position of dog control officer for the village of Falconer. He is currently the dog control officer for the Town of Kiantone. The contractual service will be the same as it was with former dog control officer Leroy Belin.

Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Miller to add Matthew Abbey as our dog control officer.  Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Trustee Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried

New Business:

Collection & Disposal of Solid Waste & Recyclables 3 Year Bid Approval

Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gustafson to accept the Casella Solid Waste Bid for 3 years. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Rotary Park Grant – Frisbee Golf 

Trustee Miller made a motion, seconded by Trustee Cavallaro to approve the park grant from the Falconer Rotary for Frisbee Golf. Rotary will purchase everything needed with the grant. Roll: Gustafson: Abstain, Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Mayor to attend NYCOM Conference

Mayor Jaroszynski will be attending the NYCOM Conference from May 17-19th. Trustee Gustafson added that there is funding for one trustee to attend the NYCOM Fall Training if anyone is interested as he attended last fall.


Rick Kress Letter 

Zoghlin Group Letter

Fuller Thank You Note – Fanchon Fuller family thanked the board for the recent memorial to Bethlehem Lutheran Church in memory of their mother.

Trustee Gustafson’s letter, dated May 8, 2023, which acknowledged his review of the unpaid vouchers for Abstract #12 (FY 22/23) and bank reconciliations from M&T Bank, Community Bank and NYCLASS for the month of March 2023 on May 7 and May 8, 2023, was placed into record.


Motion:  It is moved by Trustee Dunn and seconded by Trustee Cavallaro that Abstract #12, General Fund in the revised amount of $95,270.52 be approved for Payment. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Trustee Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Motion:  It is moved by Trustee Gustafson and seconded by Trustee Dunn that Abstract #12, Cemetery Fund in the amount of $1,023.19 be approved for payment.  Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Trustee Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Motion:  It is moved by Trustee Miller and seconded by Trustee Gustafson that Abstract #12, Library Fund in the amount of $1,379.92 be approved for payment. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Trustee Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Abstain, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Motion:  It is moved by Trustee Cavallaro and seconded by Trustee Dunn that Abstract #12, General Fund Hand Items in the amount of $33,037.96 be approved for payment. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Trustee Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried.

Trustee Gustafson made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn to enter executive session to discussion current litigation, City of Jamestown vs Town Council of Ellicott et al at 8:25 pm. Roll: Gustafson: Aye, Trustee Dunn: Aye, Cavallaro: Aye, Miller: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: none. Carried. 

Executive Session: 

No formal action was taken during executive session.

Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Cavallaro to exit executive session and re-enter the regular meeting at 8:43pm. Ayes-all. Motion Carried. 

Trustee Gustafson made a motion, seconded by Trustee Miller to close the regular meeting at 8:44 pm. Ayes-all. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Capestrani, Village Clerk