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July 8, 2019 Regular Meeting

Mayor James R. Rensel
Trustee Timothy Dunn
Trustee James Jaroszynski
Trustee J. Michael Steele
Trustee Carmella Catanese

Lawrence Trask, Treasurer
Anna L. Fales, Village Clerk
Charles Piazza, Fire Chief
Alan P. Gustafson, Code Enforcement Officer
Peter C. Fuller, DPW Superintendent
Charles Piazza, Fire Chief

The regular meeting of the Village of Falconer Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, July 8, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Building Board Room with Mayor James Rensel presiding.


Brenda Goodwill, 33 Park Avenue, addressed the board requesting a special permit to house 2 licensed dogs and under 5 cats. She said that she is doing “some rescue” and trapping cats on Phyllis Scholeno’s property. She said, she is “trying to do good” and that she was unaware of the animal laws when she purchased her home and would like to remain in the village. Trustee Dunn asked Ms. Goodwill if she takes in animals and she responded “yes”, to socialize them, especially the babies. Trustee Steele stated that the village does not want to run anyone out of town, not Ms. Goodwill nor other residents; the code is for 2 cats and 2 dogs. Ms. Goodwill stated that she will not get rid of her animals.

Alan Gustafson Jr., 105 W. James Street, was in attendance to observe proceedings.


Trustee Jaroszynski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to approve the minutes of June 10, 2019 as written. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese, and Rensel. Carried.

Fire Chief

Chief Piazza apologized for his hand-written report and stated that the internet was down and being worked on by DFT. The chief’s June report was reviewed and noted that the department responded to 44 EMS calls, 2 carbon monoxide alarms, 5 weather, 1 police standby and 5 fire alarms, 14 cancelled alarms, totaling 71 calls, 514.09 personnel hours in June.

Mayor Rensel requested that EMS calls be separated on the chief’s report into Falconer district EMS calls and mutual aid EMS calls, going forward. Mayor Rensel stated that he would like to know how much time we are spending out of district. Chief Piazza responded that we (Falconer Fire Department) are in the same boat as Fredonia. We spend more time out of our territory than in our territory. Concern was expressed by Treasurer Trask regarding costs associated with the number of mutual aid EMS calls that the department is responding to and suggested looking into billing the out of district calls. Chief Piazza stated that volunteer departments cannot bill calls. Trustee Dunn suggested speaking with Frewsburg. Chief Piazza stated he will do his best to break out mutual aid EMS calls going forward.

Superintendent Fuller reported that the anticipated repair of the fire department’s video system hard drive would be a waste of money according the FSC. FSC suggests replacing the inoperable hard drive with a new digital recorder which would then be compatible with camera upgrades that are anticipated within the next 4 years. The cost of the digital hardware, including labor & installation is quoted by FSC at $1,153.94. FSC has a service agreement with the fire department on the current hardware and camera system.

Trustee Dunn made several detailed inquiries as to the necessity and validity of the upgrade prior to making a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele, to upgrade the video recorder in the fire hall as quoted at $1,153.94 by FSC Systems on quote # 9265 dated 6/24/2019. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.

Code Enforcement Office

The code enforcement report for June was reviewed noting that 5 building permits/24 YTD were issued ($185.00 collected/$877.14 YTD), 15 building inspections were performed/60 YTD, 1 certificates of occupancy/1 YTD, and 1 certificates of compliance/12 YTD. There were 56 phone calls, e-mails, personal contacts made/370 YTD and 15 notices of complaints filed with action taken by the CE office in the month of June/76 YTD.

Attorney Peterson said, in regards to discussions as to a building stipulation on the sale of the 211 E. James Street property, the village can purchase the property back at 100% of the sale price if the stipulated action does not take place in the required time.

Property on Main & Dow is not getting mowed.

Several applications have been submitted for the part-time code officer position to replace Mr. Gustafson. The Town of Busti has also suggested a shared-service agreement in which the cost & time of a full-time code officer/fire inspector would be shared between participating municipalities. Mayor Rensel suggested that Mr. Gustafson be retained as contingent code officer until a replacement can be hired.

A motion was made by Trustee Catanese, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to rehire Alan Gustafson, as a part-time code officer on a part-time basis as negotiated by the Mayor. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.

Department of Public Works

The DPW report was reviewed for the period June 9-July 7, 2019.

Mayor Rensel praised the DPW park staff. He said the park looked great for the holiday weekend.

Leak in new Community Building roof was taken care of. Trustee Dunn asked how long the new roof is guaranteed. Mr. Fuller responded 20 years.

Mayor Rensel thanked the DPW and fire department for their help preparing for and during the Be Kind 5K which was held on June 22, 2019 in the fire hall.

Serving tables have been installed in pavilion #3 making it easy for people to set up a serving line for food, etc without having to move the heavy picnic tables. The other two pavilions will be outfitted with similar tables down the road.


The June library report was reviewed. This month the library received $35.85 for fines, $88.58 for copies and faxes, $33.00 basket sale, $545.00 for gifts & donations and $934.67 other funds.

The Summer Reading Program began June 24th and will conclude on July 26th. Readers of all ages are encouraged to read at least 15 minutes per day.

As reported, Sue Seamans last official day was Saturday, June 29th following 44 years of service. Mrs. Seamans continues to do book deliveries for the library to Silver Tree Living and to the Edgewood Community.

The historical preservation plaque has been restored by Sue Seamans and is hanging in the library.



Regarding on-going Powell court appearances, there have been 2 continuances. Home Leasing continues to proceed with its funding avenues.

Trustee Steele requested that the dirt piles on 31-37 W, Main Street get cleaned up & leveled as soon as possible. Mr. Fuller will follow up.

Animal Control:

The June Dog Control Incidence Report was reviewed and noted a complaint was received from the village that Brenda Goodwill was running a rescue for cats. Mr. Belin reported that upon investigation, he found over 17 cats and 2 dogs on June 14, 2019. An appearance ticket was issued for Section 48-15 of the village code “harboring more than 2 dogs and 2 cats”.

On about 6/24/19, a complaint was received that the person living at 18 Elmeere is feeding all the stray cats in the area. Mr. Belin tried to contact him 2 times but was unable to find the resident at home.

A motion was made by Trustee Steele, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to continue to use Belin Security Investigation Services for the Animal Control 2019/2020 as written in the Animal Control Security Agreement. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese, and Rensel. Carried.

Crossing Guard:

In follow up to the May 2019 meeting, Superintendent Fuller reported that the school still wants to continue the crossing-guard and offered to pay 50% of the crossing-guard cost beginning fall 2019. The 2019/2020 rate will be $22.00/day./$11.00/session. Trustee Catanese asked what would happen if the village withdrew their support of a crossing-guard? Trustee Steele & Trustee Catanese both expressed that they feel the school is in a better position to handle the fiscal responsibility than is the village. Mayor Rensel explained that village only paid for the crossing-guard in previous years because there was no safety light and the school had no vehicle to pay for a crossing-guard. Therefore, the village recognized and embraced the responsibility for student safety when no other avenue was available to pay for a crossing-guard. The cost of the crossing guard can be spread against an entire school district rather than by a small village. Mayor Rensel stated that he looked forward to seeing a crossing guard there and for someone else paying for it.

Farmers Market:

The school has several different organizations selling water each week as fundraisers.


Treasurer Trask presented the final budget for FY 18/19 noting that there was a year-end deficit of $99,623.88 which was primarily the result of the unanticipated $115,700 Community Building roof replacement. Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to approve the FY 18/19 Budget modifications and to approve the final transfers to the reserves as enumerated in Treasurer Trask’s budget report dated 7/5/2019. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried. Mayor Rensel complimented Treasurer Trask for his accurate budget projections. Trustee Dunn questioned the need for a Community Building Reserve Fund. The board tabled the discussion until the August Work Session.


The new cameras are up and going in Falconer Park.

Old Business:

Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to approve the amendments’ to the Village Procurement Policy as detailed in the minutes of the Work Session dated 7/10/19. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.


A thank you note was read from Mrs. Shirley Vandenburg for use of the public parking lot during a recent Senior Citizen bus trip.
Gowanda Ambulance Services is requesting support from the village to expand their ambulance service in the north county. Mayor Rensel stated that the board is not familiar with benefits and ramifications and therefore he does not feel a letter of support can be granted at this time.


Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele that Abstract #2, General Fund in the amount of $175,899.73 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.

Trustee Jaroszynski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Catanese, that Abstract #2, Cemetery Fund in the amount of $747.03 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.

Trustee Catanese made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, that Abstract #2, Library Fund in the amount of $6,054.53 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.

Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, that Abstract #2, General Fund Hand Items in the amount of $ 40,437.81 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.

Motion to Adjourn

Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 PM. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Anna Fales, Village Clerk