April 8, 2019 Annual Budget Hearing / Regular Meeting
Mayor James R. Rensel
Trustee Timothy Dunn
Trustee James Jaroszynski
Trustee J. Michael Steele
Trustee Deette Dispenza
Lawrence Trask, Treasurer
Anna L. Fales, Village Clerk
Charles Piazza, Fire Chief
Alan P. Gustafson, Code Enforcement Officer
Peter C. Fuller, DPW Superintendent
The regular meeting of the Village of Falconer Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, April 8, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Building Board Room with Mayor James Rensel presiding.
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to accept, effective immediately, Trustee DeEtte Dispenza’s Letter of Resignation from her position of Trustee and Deputy Mayor of the Village. The Letter was dated March 11, 2019. Mayor Rensel thanked Trustee Dispenza for her service to the village, stating that she will be sorely missed. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, and Rensel. Recused: Dispenza. Carried.
Mayor Rensel noted that there were several interested individuals to replace Trustee Dispenza. Mayor Rensel appointed Carmella Catanese to replace Trustee Dispenza as Trustee and J. Michael Steele as Deputy Mayor. There was no opposition from the board. Oaths’ of Office were performed.
DeEtte Dispenza 221 W. Everett Street, Alan Gustafson Jr of 105 W. Main Street, and Janet & Matt Durland of 219 E. James Street were in attendance. Mr. & Mrs. Durland submitted a Letter of Interest for the purchase the spare lot located at 211 E. James Street at a purchase price of $6,000.00. Mayor Rensel noted that there was at least one other interested party to be considered.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele, to approve the minutes of March 11, 2019 as written. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Public Hearing
Mayor Rensel called for a motion to open the Public Hearing on the 2019-2020 Budget. Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to open the Public Hearing to discuss the 2019-2020 Budget. It was noted that the W. Main Street fires put the village in a tough position; resulting in a loss of $330,000 in total tax base. This budget reflects a 2% increase in tax levy which is still below the rate of inflation, which is currently 2.55%. Tax rate will increase from $9.02-$9.24/$1000, remaining within the Property Tax Cap Limit.
A motion was made by Trustee Steele, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to close the Public Hearing. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried. Trustee Jaroszynski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn to approve the 2019-2020 Budget as presented and without modification. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
The total budget is $1,410,400 with a new tax rate of $9.24 per thousand. The 2017-2018 Real Property Assessed Value decreased to $90,679,233.
Fire Chief
The chief’s March report was reviewed and noted that the department responded to 59 EMS calls, 4 fire, 3 HAZMAT, 1 fire alarm, 1 water evacuation, 2 standby calls and 1 rubbish fire, totaling 71 calls, 452.22 personnel hours in March.
Trustee Dunn questioned the origin of high number of calls the department has been responding to in recent months. If another municipality is putting an undo the burden (above the usual shared service calls) on Falconer, is there a way to bill that municipality for the service?
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to sell Falconer Fire Department surplus equipment through auctionsinternational.com. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried. Chief Piazza must provide Mayor Rensel with a complete & itemized list of surplus equipment to be sold prior to contacting Auctions International.
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to accept Tina Chase as an EMS only member in the Falconer Fire Department. All required background checks and physicals have been completed satisfactorily. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
The Fire Department Inspection Dinner will be held Saturday, April 27, 2019 at the Falconer Moose Club.
Code Enforcement Office
The code enforcement report for March was reviewed noting that 4 building permits were issued ($100 collected/$185 YTD), 5 building inspections were performed/13 YTD, 0 certificates of occupancy/0 YTD, and 0 certificates of compliance/4 YTD. There were 45 phone calls, e-mails, personal contacts made/105 YTD and 10 notices of complaints filed with action taken by the CE office in the month of March/24 YTD.
Mr. Gustafson proposed updating the code enforcement fee schedule. A plan will be presented at upcoming meeting.
Zoning law updates need to be a village priority. Also should consider combining planning & zoning boards into a single board.
Department of Public Works
The DPW report was reviewed for the period March 12-April 7, 2019.
Mr. Fuller reported that the Community Building roof repair has been completed and that the parapet walls are in urgent need of re-pointing.
The March library report was reviewed. This month the library received $62.00 for fines, $55.00 for copies and faxes, $70.00 basket sale, $1825.00 for gifts and donations, and $864.19 other-CCLS Materials Plan.
Animal Control:
One owner sited for dog running at large.
The camera system is down at Falconer Park. It is in need of an internal power unit (recording system). Superintendent Fuller is working on options for repair/replacement of the system.
Downtown Development:
Pride Day date change to May 4, 2019.
Home Leasing LLC proposed a mixed use development project for 5 downtown parcels along W. Main Street. The village owns 2 of the 5 parcels and is being offered a purchase price $39,000 from Home Leasing for the two properties. This price is based on an independent appraisal of the properties.
Mr. Peterson explained that according to Municipal Law, the Village of Falconer has the power to sell publically owned properties to a private entity without a public hearing or forum.
Trustee Catanese asked for clarification regarding income limits for apartments to be included in the proposed “workforce housing” development. Anna will reach out to Home Leasing regarding mixed income limits.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski to approve Resolution #5-2019, authorizing the Purchase/Sale Agreement between Home Leasing, Inc and the Village of Falconer. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried
Mr. Trask reported that the Village’s proposed 2019-2020 Property Tax Cap is under review by the OSC. No adverse findings are expected.
Planning & Zoning Board:
Trustee Jaroszynski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to combine the Planning & Zoning Board of Appeals into one 7 member board with 2 alternates. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried. Mr. Gustafson is going to confirm that current members are interested in remaining on the combined board.
New Business:
Trustee Jaroszynski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele to accept the 2019-2020 committee Structure as presented by Mayor Rensel. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele, to approve in compliance with Village Law 50524 regarding the Annual Organizational Meeting:
- Community Bank and M&T Bank as Village of Falconer depositories
- Designation of the Jamestown Post-Journal as the official newspaper for the publishing of legal notices,
- Continued participation in the Chautauqua County Mutual Aid Agreement and Chautauqua County Disaster Preparedness Plan
- Reappointment of all current committee members
- Authorization payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges, insurances and other charges that become due prior to the Board meeting that otherwise would incur late fee charges,
- Attendance by municipal officials and employees at schools, conferences, seminars, associated organization meetings, etc., conducted for the benefit of the Village of Falconer
- Reimbursement to such officers and employees the fixed mileage rate as set by the IRS as reimbursement for use of personal automobiles while performing their official duties on behalf of the Village,
- The present Procurement Policy,
- Normal Board Meetings scheduled for the second Monday of each month at 7 pm, and all Work Sessions scheduled at 5:45 pm on the same evening, and which fall on a legal holiday will both be held on the Second Tuesday of that month at their regularly scheduled times of 5:45 pm and 7:00 pm, all other meetings will remain on the second Monday of each month,
- Setting the 2020 Organizational Meeting of the Village of Falconer as Monday, April 13, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.
Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
This year’s Memorial Day Parade has been pushed back to begin 10:15 am to assist the Falconer-Frewsburg High School band in meeting time constrains for all three municipalities (Frewsburg, Kennedy and Falconer) in which they march.
The 2019 Falconer Park Youth Program-will only run for 6 weeks this summer due to the Falconer Central School schedule. The budget and payroll will be adjusted to reflect the change.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele that Abstract #11, General Fund in the amount of $59,097.46 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Trustee Jaroszynski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Catanese, that Abstract #11, Cemetery Fund in the amount of $315.42 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Trustee Catanese made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, that Abstract #11, Library Fund in the amount of $1,267.60 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, that Abstract #11, General Fund Hand Items in the amount of $ 36,172.17 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to adjourn into executive session for the purpose personnel matter at 8:51 PM. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried. No formal actions was taken during this meeting.
Anna L. Fales
Village Clerk